SAT Reading

FREE! Introducing the SAT Decoded: Crash Course

Imagine for a second if you could know exactly which concepts to focus on—the ones that make up the bulk of the test and really matter. What would it feel like if you could eliminate all uncertainty about your answer choices? What if you could solve hard math questions without actually setting up any complicated equations? Are you tired of knowing the concepts, yet still somehow getting those questions wrong? As you probably know, I’ve been working on something big […]

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SAT & ACT Reading: How to Read What You Don’t Understand

I was re-watching one of my favorite movies tonight. Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino. I love the scene where Samuel L. Jackson’s character goes ape-crazy, pulls out his gun, and screams at the man he’s about to execute, “English, mofo. Do you speak it?!” That’s got to be one of the greatest catchphrases in cinema history. Now, it’s understandable that a man with a gun to his head can only manage some incoherent mumbling. But if you’re reading this, then

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First Full-Length PSAT Reading Test: Post-Mortem

If you’ve been following me recently, you know I’m doing a short series on the recently released official new PSAT, which is slotted to roll out in late 2015. In Part 1, I unveiled my general impressions about the test. Click HERE if you missed it. This is Part 2, the nitty gritty about the new reading section, which will continue to be one of the toughest section to improve. As promised by the Collegeboard, the test didn’t directly test

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The “Divide and Conquer” Technique That Increased Reading Scores 100-200 points

I’ve lost count of the number of students I’ve shown this “Divide and Conquer” technique to who have come back wide-eyed the VERY next tutoring session, and said things like: “That reading strategy is so much better than what I used to do.” “Dude, Peter, that technique really works. I barely missed any questions!” “OMG, why the hell didn’t they teach me this at [that expensive SAT prep institution I wasted all my money on]?!” There’s a deep controversy brewing about what the best

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The “Professor X Technique” for Improving 100 Points on Reading

I’m not a foodie. Which is why, the other night, I somehow found myself staring at the deserted aisles of the frozen dinner section at 1 in the morning.  There I was, standing under the awful fluorescent lighting, contemplating whether I was more in the mood for Hungry Man or Lean Cuisine. It was a sad sight—a grown man picking out the worst kind of food. Trust me, this has a lot to do with SAT Critical Reading. You see, I

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Whose Line is It Anyway? Understand WHO the Question is About

So here’s the thing—do you even know who or what the question is asking about? Many of you are getting killed on the critical reading because you don’t. If that’s happening to you, then you’re just throwing points away like quarters in a wishing pond. You know the pond isn’t really going to grant any wishes, right? Anyways, if you’ve ever been confused who or what the question is even talking about, this article is for you. Many of you end

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