
2022 SAT/ACT Prep for A.C.

These quoted programs/rates are for Angela Chen only and expire on November 30th, 2022, midnight end of day, Pacific Time.

Client Testimonials: 

Admissions Essay Info:  https://finaldraftformula.com/essays/

SAT/ACT Program Info:  https://youngprodigy.com/bruce-lee-ascension-ty/
(Note: This is for a summer program I no longer offer, but the strategies are the same for 1-on-1 test prep)

SAT/ACTPersonalized test prep for next-level scores.

Weekends (Sat & Sun):

10 Sessions

15 hrs total, 90-min/session




  • Minimum session length is 90 minutes  ($450)
15 Sessions

22.5 hrs total, 90-min/session




  • Minimum session length is 90 minutes  ($412.50)

School Days (Mon - Fri): discounted rates

10 Sessions

15 hrs total, 90-min/session




  • Minimum session length is 90 minutes  ($412.50)
15 Sessions

22.5 hrs total, 90-min/session




  • Minimum session length is 90 minutes  ($375)
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