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- File Size 2.76 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date June 28, 2015
- Last Updated July 4, 2024
Click the DOWNLOAD link above for FREE, instant access.
Imagine for a second if you could know exactly which concepts to focus on—the ones that make up the bulk of the test and really matter.
What would it feel like if you could eliminate all uncertainty about your answer choices?
What if you could solve hard math questions without actually setting up any complicated equations?
Are you tired of knowing the concepts, yet still somehow getting those questions wrong?
As you probably know from my last few emails, I’ve been working on something big. It’s taken me nearly 200 hours, and honestly, it’s not even in final form…but forget that. I can’t wait any longer. I want…no, I need to share it with you now…today.
See, I’ve been scrambling to create something that will help those rising seniors who have but a couple more chances at the current SAT, or those courageous rising juniors who feel they might have a chance at acing this test before the new SAT arrives in March 2016.
That means there’s only 5 or 6 months before my project goes obsolete, although many of the academic concepts and mentalities will carry over into the new SAT and apply to the ACT as well.
I’ll be candid—this is more of a beta launch. Forgive the typos. If there is anything that is unclear, simply email me and I’ll respond to you personally. If a concept doesn’t make sense or you see a mistake, please let me know.
But I’m so excited to introduce…The SAT Decoded: Crash Course!
I’ve distilled the very best, heavy-hitting strategies aimed at getting you the quickest and biggest score improvements in the shortest amount of time possible.
This is a 100% free, 224-page guide that covers:
- the secret to improving your math score by leaving a bunch of questions blank AND without improving your math ability whatsoever
- how to DOUBLE your guessing odds even when you literally have no clue how to do the question
- a way to DOUBLE your grammar speed and accuracy
- how to stop picking the wrong choice when you get down to 50/50
- the top 5 grammar rules that make up 50% of the test, each of which are explained in striking detail
- a counter-intuitive but effective method for analyzing Critical Reading questions—the passages are hard, but the answer choices are even harder
- the 2 most powerful math strategies that allow you to bypass conventional math, increase your speed, and improve your accuracy, all while deftly avoiding the SAT’s carefully laid out traps
- how to read what you don’t understand
- SAT format and grading
- timing strategies
- knowing when to guess and when to skip
- examples galore with carefully worked out solutions and explanations, so you can follow along
- systems to help you eliminate your careless mistakes (which are literally costing people 50-100 points!)
Remember, this is an interactive course. That means if you don’t understand something, I am available to you via email: [email protected].
In fact, I soon plan to open up a forum where you can leave your specific questions and get personal responses from me. There, you’ll be able to read through common sticking points other students are facing as well.
While I don’t cover EVERYTHING in this crash course, I’ve carefully chosen the most important topics so you can achieve the biggest improvement as fast as possible.
Click the DOWNLOAD link (near top of page) for instant access.
v1.1 fixed some of the typos and clarified the explanations of some grammar rules.
v1.2 fixed some glaring typos and errors in the math section.
v1.3 clarified some grammar issues and updated more typos in grammar and math.
Remember, this is a BETA launch, so if you find any typos, errors, or confusing parts, please let me know at [email protected]. I'd be eternally grateful.
Onward to success!